We work hard to make sure that you are armed with the best information about local food - where to source it, how to grow and prepare it, trends and news, and how to connect with your community over a great meal, and now we'd like to help you drink better, too!

Moving forward, we'll host a series of Slow Drinks events that will cover both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

From locally roasted coffee to craft beer, from local liquor to dairy-based drinks and smoothies, we will have events that will allow you to sample, learn about, make your own, and question the folks who are revolutionizing the way you drink.

Future themes may include:

Slow Coffee

Local Breweries

Local Distilleries

Seasonal Cocktails


Shaved Ice and Cold Drinks


Slow Wine

If you're interested in partnering with us, or learning more about Slow Drinks, please contact us at info@slowfoodchicago.org.


Gorgeous header photo by Brett Calomino