Food Book Club SKIN CLEANSE : Recap

Sending out a BIG thank you to those who were able to join us at March's Food Book Club meeting last week where we discussed Adina Grigore's book Skin Cleanse - and extra snaps to Native Foods Cafe in Wicker Park for being such welcoming and gracious hosts! Here's a little recap of what we discussed and some questions to ponder that came up. Have you come across more info since we met that you'd like to share (or did we forget something in our summary below)? Were you unable to join us and want to get in on the conversation? Let us know in the comments!

Salt scrub envy : We came across this recipe shortly after our meeting. This salt scrub combo calls for the addition of lemongrass and is an image from the new book Harvest : Unexpected Uses for Extraordinary Plants.

Salt scrub envy : We came across this recipe shortly after our meeting. This salt scrub combo calls for the addition of lemongrass and is an image from the new book Harvest : Unexpected Uses for Extraordinary Plants.

  • Rule of Thumb : We suggest not putting anything on your skin (or in contact with your skin - think, laundry detergent, etc) that you wouldn't also ingest.
  • What have you DIY'd? : Our readers had already experimented with toothpaste, shampoo, and even deodorant (we especially love shampoo bars - like bars of soap, but for your hair and typically in minimal - if any - packaging, look for them online or at boutique shops). What else are you looking forward to making yourself? Do you find that you are wasting less packaging and disposable "stuff" now that you're incorporating some DIY products into your skin care routine? Want to delve more into the world of making your own everything...? Additional recommended reading is Making It : Radical Home Ec for a Post-Consumer World by Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen. 
  • What about makeup...? : There are loads of tutorials and tips that you can find online. We're especially excited about (someday) making the transition to crafting our own mascara - here's one tutorial we've got our eye on (ha). What about eyeliner? Alison recommends Kajal - made with natural ingredients and soot.
  • DIY Salt Scrub : Fill a jar or container with a blend of sea salts of your preference (coarse salt, epsom salt, etc). Drizzle olive oil (or other oil of your choice) on top to coat. Add a few drops of essential oil (we recommend cinnamon as it is anti-inflammatory). Mix until well blended. Store in the shower and use as needed as a body scrub.
  • S.W. Basics : In addition to being an author, Adina Grigore is the found of S.W. Basics, an all-natural and sustainable skincare line based in Brooklyn. Adina has been known for saying what a beautiful thing it would be if her company went out of business because people were making her products themselves at home. Seeing as most products are made with minimal ingredients, many of which you can find in your pantry - we don't see why not! But, when life gets in the way, her products are available for purchase online or at most Target stores.
  • Essential Oils : There are many out there - but they have a myriad of uses and purposes. Lavender is said to be calming, cinnamon is known for being anti-inflammatory, and oregano is said to be anti-viral (rub this on the bottom of your feet with a combination of olive, jojoba or coconut oil when you have a cold and it just might help you get better faster by drawing some of the toxins out). They can be used in your DIY beauty products, on your skin, or put in a diffuser. We also discussed how many of these essential oils elicit similar results "on the outside" as they would if you were to ingest them (as their original whole ingredients), which lead us to bringing up ayurvedic nutrition or, a holistic approach to health and wellness that depends on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Want to learn more? We recommend starting with the book, The Wheel of Healing with Ayurveda by Michelle S. Fondin.

Slow Food Chicago Cooks for Soup & Bread

Soup & Bread will be held at The Hideout on Weds 1/20/16 starting at 5:30pm.

Soup & Bread will be held at The Hideout on Weds 1/20/16 starting at 5:30pm.

Mark your calendars, folks. Next Wednesday (1/20), you have quite an opportunity. Not only will you have the chance to eat some delicious soup and bread (as the name should imply) - but you will also be able to support an amazing community meal project. If you aren't already familiar with Soup & Bread, it's a free weekly community meal hosted (for its eighth year) at The Hideout Chicago. Not only that, but this donation based meal meet up uses the give-what-you-can donations received each week to support local food pantries and hunger relief agencies (think Greater Chicago Food Depository and beyond). The Soup & Bread season officially kicked off for 2016 on January 6th. Next week, on the 20th, not only do you have another chance to participate in this unique and rewarding event - but the food (well, at least the soup) will be supplied by members of the Slow Food Chicago board. That's right, we're cooking for you. So come on out to the Hideout next Wednesday - fill up on soup, and bread, and maybe even grab a drink from the bar; all while knowing that you can feel good about where your meal came from, the love and labor that went into it, and revel in the difference your donation could make (no matter the size, it counts) at local pantries and agencies. And maybe, just maybe, you can learn a little bit more about what we do at Slow Food in the process (you know, aside from make amazing soups). Hope you can join us!

What: Soup & Bread // Soup to be provided by Slow Food Chicago. Bread donated by Publican Quality Meats. The bar will also be open with beverages available for purchase!

Where: The Hideout // 1354 W. Wabansia Ave, Chicago, IL 60642 (map

When: Wednesday, January 20th, 2016 // 5:30pm-8:00pm

Cost: Free, with suggested donation.